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Re: [DL] Becoming Harrowed (potential spoilers)



Well, they might be spoilers, it depends who you ask...

By the same token, at least for my own games, if the player KNOWS they've 
come back Harrowed (and they don't necessarily) they would have the option 
to take Harrowed hindrances upon returning from the grave.  The thing is, 
most Harrowed don't know they came back, and therefore neither should their 
players.  Granting them Harrowed hindrances to purchase abilities, as per 
Book o' the Dead's rules for starting with a manitou in your noggin, is a 
dead give away (pardon the pun).


----Original Message Follows----
From: "Brom Clancy" <spleen23@webtrolls.com>
I don't think so, part of the Harrowed hinderances is to pay for starting
off with some harrowed powers, I think newly activated harrowed have to
power thier powers from zero with regular bounty.

-----Original Message-----
From: Markus Finster <markus.finster@chello.at>
If a character becomes Harrowed, does he have to follow the procedures as 
detailed in the book of the dead? (i.e, taking up Harrowe Hindrances).
 > Markus

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