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RE: [DL] d20 spells, metamagic feats, and magic item creation

I highly recoomend the book The New Science (D20) for a variation on item
creation. Especially the section on elixers. Another way around it is to
give a Mad Science explanation for such an item (The weapon operates on
probability mechanics and thus has a higher chance of hitting +1). Make the
player be creative about mad science. Who knows, the may pick up a book and
learn something.

-----Original Message-----
From: Brett Dixon [mailto:balance@tubas.net]
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 8:51
To: deadlands@gamerz.net
Subject: Re: [DL] d20 spells, metamagic feats, and magic item creation

On Wednesday, March 26, 2003, at 11:07  AM, Paul-André Beaulieu wrote:

> Relics can also be created by terrible mistakes. One of my posse tried 
> to
> shoot a shotgun out of the hands of a little girl (she was quite 
> insane, the
> only survivor of a burnt down orphanage), but rolled '1' on both his 
> attack
> rolls. We ruled that he'd hit the little girl instead, and of course 
> blew
> her away. Disgusted, the PC threw his revolver on the ground in front 
> of
> him, where (he didn't bother to check) the little girl's blood was 
> pooling
> (!). When he picked it up later, it had become a relic that inflicted 
> better
> critical hits. However, its taint was that it could only be used for
> killing. Any sort of trick shot (disarmin', creasin', pinnin') aimed 
> at a
> person would always hit the person instead.
> Even after he found out what the revolver was about, he still kept it, 
> so
> that it wouldn't fall in the wrong hands.

THis is an extremely cool idea.

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