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[DL] Quotes

Here's a few quotes from our last few gaming sessions. I thought you
might find them ammusing.

Blood Mage: "My family dabbles in the occult."
Huckster: "My family dabbles in politics."
Blood Mage: "Same thing."

Undercover MIB: Agent Hensly I presume
Agent Hensly: Hello Agent Wolf.
(this was said while the rest of the posse was present, whom up til that
point had been ignorant of that fact... even the players didn't know that
he was Undercover"

Marshal: "You see your partner bound and bleeding from several places.
The blood flows over the the strange alter he's lying on and runs into a
hole in the floor."
Blood Mage: "I piss in the hole, that'll screw up what ever spell he's
trying to cast."

A new character was following the existing posse, posing as a drunk. when
acosted for following us he says
Undercover Ranger: "I happen to be a Texas Ranger."
Undercover MIB: "Is that so? Well, mister ranger welcome to Portland,
Oregon, USA. I'd like you to meet Special Agent Hensly. Agent Hensly,
meet mister Ranger."
(the marshal proceded to rewind a minute adn took the player aside,
explaining a few key word to him, such as: Ranger, Agent, USA, Civil War,
and a biggy... Undercover.)

Gunslinger: "We've got a fire going, we've destroyed incrimidating
evidence, and my tummy is full. It's been a productive day."

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