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[DL] rules questions

I have a copy of the player's guide to deadlands (revised edition) non d20.

Can anyone help me with the following questions?

a) Do levels of the hindrance "kid" carry corresponding size penalties?
   If so, what would they be?
b) does the hand-to-hand weapon's defence bonus (for a sword, say) help
only for making it harder for the wielder to be hit, or does it also
give the wielder a bonus to the attack roll?  The chart seems to 
indicate the latter, but maybe its a typo/
c) does the winchester '76 4d8+2 damage mean, roll 4d8, and add 2 to the
total, or roll 4d8, adding 2 to each d8?
d) Does the hindrance "big un" reduce pace by 1 point per level, or 2
points per level (I think the latter, if that is what it means to
decrease pace by a "step")
e) If I hit someone with a spear, and get an ace on the spear's 2d6
damage, does that mean I roll another d6, as I would with firearms 
damage, and as I would for the strength dice of the hand-to-hand damage?

Thanks in advance,
-Alex B.