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Re: [DL] Need idea for Texas Ranger NPC
> Players should proberly start to stop reading this
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> I like the idea with the TR encounter the group in a saloon have a small
> conversation with them, give him the offer, and lots of drinks. If he
> refuses then letting the bartender spike the last of the drinks with
> some memory loosing drugs, get up and then tries to take him down later.
> But here we have the next problem. I have an idea that he can late in
> the evinging try with a "8* scope sight/night owl sight" magnum enforced
> rifel of some sort to get a clean 6-7 d10 dam to the head but here is my
> problem. what should prevent him from just soak it with faith chips?
> Should I just do it sometimes when he/the group is real low on chips? Or
> just do it more times untill the group maybe is getting tired to throw
> faith chips after him taking head shot 2-3 shots a week.
Let him spend the chips. Getting shot to the head tends to suck them up
pretty quickly (remember the two bonus dice of damage!). Just do it
multiple times.
But do not make it impossible for them to catch it. If you want the
harrowed dead (which would seem like a good idea, considering the
dominion..), fudge the escape to the ranger's favor, so that he *barely*
escapes. Then when he finally succeeds, make him fumble just enough to be
caught alive. That way you can have a good scene where the ranger explains
why the char had to be put down and they should let him go.. :)
--Hulkin' Finn