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[DL] Night of Wolves

> > This is the account of my posse's slip into Deadlands. (We had a blast
> > It was a good night.
> I like it!  But, to pick a little nit, I think it was an EVIL night.  ;-)
> Jeff Y.

I know this is a wee bit late, but I had a quick question; did the posse
refuse to go after the poor children because they were afraid to fight the
wolves, or just annoyed with gameplay?  A while back, I was in a Call of
Cthulhu game where the party were so tired of trying to piece together every
little scrap of clue that in the end when we were up to fighting the "Big
Bad" we said, "forget it; this is so lame." and we just left--San Fran
burned to the ground because of apathy.  (Of course, for the party, we did
get a few good liners out of it--"Don't mess with us; we torched San Fran!"
"Our only regret was that it wasn't LA." "Hey now we know what to do when
we're stuck; just abandon everything & let Chthuga handle it.")

Jeff S