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[DL] Weird Trails

Not sure if this has ever been mentioned here - if it was, apologies
for the repetition.

Was in my local games shop at the weekend and I noticed a book of short
stories called "Weird Trails" slotted close by the Deadlands
section.  Being slightly flush at that moment in time, and eventhough I
didn't recognise any of the authors mentioned on the back cover, I
bought it.  Inside I was pleasantly surprised to find Clay and Susan
Griffith as authors of one of the stories.  I've just finished the
"North-West-Monster-Police" and I must say that it is a
cracking piece, some nice twists and turns - especially the ending. 
It's given me a different slant on the NWMP as opposed to the Agency
and the TR, one which I'll play out in my game if my posse ever go

Anyway was just wondering - 

1) Why on earth your names weren't on the back of the book to sell it?

2) Is there any coincidence between the writing of a story about the
North West Mounted Police and the recent release of Great Weird North?



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