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[DL] Re: Orlando Game Shops [OT]

To be honest my shopping for RPG stuff while I'm over is a last minute
thought.  My wife wants to go shopping while she's over so I thought -
why don't I do some too.   When I went to check out some shops - I
ended up with quite a list and didn't know where to start considering
I'm going to be really tight for time. 

Thanks to all who suggested stores, I'll make sure I'll check them out
first before any others, with Sci Fi City at the top of the list.

Clint - I had forgotten you were in that line of business.  Any chance
of an URL to remind me of what you sell? I think you posted it once but
I didn't seem to take note of the address.  I would like to think I'll
be back one day - so maybe next time I'll be prepared.

John - thanks for your kind offer.  I would jump at the chance of
getting a game - but my wife would tear me apart if I seriously
considered it. :)

Thank you to everyone who responded.



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