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[DL] indians, females and other racial types.
I have an idea for an Indian character that I would like to play, haven't had the chance. After reading about the Natchez indians being wiped out by the French, I decided to do some checking. I had already had the idea of an outcast (think Worf from Star Trek) who was possibly from a Old Ways tribe, but had been picked to "take up the New Ways" to fight. Thus exiled from his tribe never to return, I just needed some reference. After the article and some research, it all fell to place. Edges, Hinderances, Skills, It was almost easy. Plus the fact I used the DL Character Generator and got a really good set of stats. I tried to make him as historically accurate as I could, but I'm sure he's not 100%. Maybe one day... Then I'll have to finally give him a name! :)
As for woman in groups, I will point out something that was said. Let me say right off, I'm not accusing anyone of sexism. And I'm sure that was not the original author's intention. The comment was made that they get attached to their characters and get upset if they take any damage. Figure most women usually don't have a lot of expierence in RPGs and it sounds like me to new players. Remember your first character that died? I would say we all do. Just a thought. No hate, just love. :) Plus the fact I agree with women being more problem solvers. Anyone that has EVER gamed with me will say I tend to shoot first, shoot second and then shoot somemore. We used to have a D&D3 game and once the female got comfortable with us, she made some really good suggestions. Left me more room to kill things. :) As I told the gm (her boyfriend), "I'm not here to figure out problems, solve puzzles and such. That's everybody else's job. I'm here to kill things". :)
As for playing different racial types, I will say my longest lasting character was a Asian. When he first started, I had the "ferner" hinderance and was scared to death of being hung by some "good ole boys". Never went out by myself, always with some white male from the party. Got tired of that after a while and bought off the hinderance. As the Marshall explained AFTER I bought it off, "people still don't care for you in some places, they are just less likely to string you up.... as long as you don't give them the chance". Strange after that I was accused of playing a darn near psychcotic. That Marshall was good at getting me paranoid.
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