> > I'd like to try one, but > > my girlfriend ( a fellow posse member) complains if I make a > character > > that doesn't look like me (that leaves out Shamans, Voodooists, > Anahuacs, > > and Martial Artists) Wow, I got a couple of reactions out of that. My girlfriend plays more or
less to be nice. She isn't a hard core Role-Player. All of her characters are
her with magic powers. Every character she plays is identical except she has
different powers and different gear. So, if all her characters are
her.... she expects every character I play to be me. Sucks,
huh? Every character I play has to be a tall thin white guy with black
hair. Shamans need to be Indians (which I am partially) or "Gone
Native" (which she wouldn't go that for either). Blessed she thinks are always
priests, Madscientists are just to bizzarre for her taste. A lot of the other
supplemental Arcanebackgrounds need to be ethnic, and don't even mention Whatley
Blood! And then there's Hell on Earth... Doomsayer "Eww. A mutant?" Templar
"Self righteous jerks" (our last 3 Templar picked on her constantly) Syker "But
you have hair!" Junker? the name says it all. which leaves me with non-ethnic
Hucksters, Gunslingers, and Gamblers.
I usually marshal.
Dispite our differences in role playing technique, I love her, and try to
keep her happy. and don't get me wrong, i love the fact that she plays with us
(her with only one girl stuck for several hours with 8 college role-players....)
It's usually her that saves the day and actaully TALKS to extras instead of
assuming everyone is a moving target, as the guys do.