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RE: [DL] Movie Recommendation

How bout Ravenous? Now that film had some bit.

Or the old dustin hoffman movie little big man, its 
been a good 25 years since I saw it but it seemed to 
fit deadlands as a very alternative viewpoint of some 
of the classis western bits.

And concerning a deadlands movie, instead of figuring 
out who you would cast as the various named NPCs, 
first figure out who you would have to show up as the 
main charaters in 2 hour film, who you would have do 
cameos, and what "bits" would just have to be 
 Their would have to be a Harrowed and Huckster bit, 
with Ronan lynch being a good choice as a lead 
charater, A good cameo apperance would be Shane 
himself as his Muchraker dude.