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Re: [DL] Game planning...

Well thanks for all the input and ideas!

The biggest hindrance I have after running a session is that I don't write
down what happened.  (And generally during the story, I'm just rollin' along
and forget to write stuff down then, too. :-)

My current campaign, as I think I mentioned previously, is (well, will be
;-) based in Shannonsburg.  All the character's are Pinkerton's (my timeline
is still 1876) with a new assignment.  Since Shannonsburg is a CSA town,
this puts the characters in the thick of it.  So there's spy games and
"MiBD" stuff as well.  (The local was suggested by a member of this very
list.  Thanks again for the idea!)

The general goal is that stories will revolve around the Great Maze for a
while.  Although there is always the easy "temporary reassignment" to shift
the geography for a time.

Overall I'd say the players generally like more role-playing and problem
solving rather than combat.  However, they don't shy away from it, so much
as they want any confrontations to be a part of the story.  (Which I
generally want as well, I just don't really use "wandering monsters" any
more. :-)  Well, that's not entirely true, but I won't tell the players.

I'm currently working on the next adventure.  I think it's going to be a
haunted house with a nasty past and Evil stuff* (although I'm only <Dr.
Evil's voice> "quasi-Evil" compared to Clint :-) going on.  I just read
Skinners (one of the dime novels) and liked the idea that the character's
don't really understand *why* something happened just that it did and they
must stop it.  (Also very reminiscent of many X-Files episodes.)

* What's a fear level that "beginning characters" could handle?  I want a
challenge but not a death sentence.

Take care,
