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RE: [DL] Help with the Harrowed

>--- Richard A Ranallo <toadpooka@juno.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, 17 May 2002 10:31:11 -0700 (PDT) Ms Randa <msranda76@yahoo.com>
>> writes:
>> Close.  Destroyed head=no harrowed.  Severed head=harrowed head.
>My take on this is that no manitou (regardless of the cards drawn) is
>going to choose to risk its own existence in a bodiless head, unless it is
>plainly apparent that the head will become reattached, or can somehow
>grant the manitou some opportunity for mayhem. It's a great, gut-twisting,
>amusing scene that I think fits the game well to imagine this head trying
>to communicate, but I don't think it makes sense. Isn't there a high risk
>of said head getting shot dead once again? Pretty chancy for the manitou.
>If this happened in my game, I'd assume the undertaker sewed him back
>together enough that the manitou figured he could put it all back together
>without too much risk.
>Just my two coins.

Hmmm... now I don't remember the beginning of the thread, but I think that
the manitou was already attached to the character, then the character got
the rope necktie.  Otherwise I totally agree, if the character had been
prime harrowed material before the hangin', having his head popped off
definitly ruins the goods.  The manitou could watch for a bit to see if the
undertaker does in fact replace the head properly, and _then_ take up

JEff Y.