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Re: [DL] Game planning...

----- Original Message -----
From: "John M. Davis" <jmd111669@cox.net>

>Usually when I start a campain, I'll have an overall goal, main villian,
> some of the supporting NPC's in mind.  (My last campaing was take McGuffin
> from Point A to Point B, then the villian leaked to the rangers that is
> a stolen bible (it wasn't).)  Along the way, I'll usually let my players
> decide where they want to take it.  I have most of the modules, and almost
> all the mini-adventure from the web site, so I alway have back up plans if
> they don't do what I think they will.

If I had just one peice of advice to give to any other Marshal (or GM as
'dem Tin Horn's call 'em) it would be that last bit. Have a back up. Hell
have 3, be a good boy-scout and be prepaired for the unexpected.

If they don't bite at the first, toss out another.

It's either that, be very good at on the fly GMimg (which is a back up in
itself) or be adept at tricking your Players into doing what you want them

I'm okay at the last tw

"Going to war over religion is like fighting over who has the better
imaginary friend."  - - Richard Jenio, so I keep a few aces up my sleeve. =)