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Re: [DL] Super Agent

> there is one very important reason you can't do that, and that is the same
> reason a person can't have multiple arcane background(except for HOE's
> jonker and huckster).
> this reason is, that all characters with arcane backgrounds get their
> from the same place--the hunting grounds.  it's how they interperet the
> hunting grounds and how they pull power from it that makes it impossible
> a person to have different backgrounds.  there may be a few that are
> compatible, but only in HOE.  let's take a look at common arcane
> backgrounds:

I really don't think AB are mutally exclusive. I wouldn't nessecarily allow
a player to just load up but that's for game balance.

SPOILERS (unless you know how AB get their mojo)

Blessed are pretty much compatable with all non-faith based AB. Which pretty
much rules out shamans. Voodosists are already a varrient on blessed. And
Black magic, well, that's NPC turf.

Shamans are pretty exclusive. But thats due to where they get their powers,
Nature spirits. The Spirits know all other AB's are getting the mojo from
the manitou, so they won't grant power to schmucks that use it.

Hucksters lack a philosphy, other then power through will. Very little
reason you couldn't mix Hucksters with other AB's. Even a Blessed, though
it'd take a very special religion, but some later forms of kaballism (sp)
might work.

Mad science has that scientific bent to it, but yet again nothing rules it
out from mixing with other AB's other then dang good justification.
Hucksters are already a natural fit. Blessed might work, but this is rougher
then Hucksters. Faith and Science hardly go hand in hand. But it's not like
the MS knows where the ideas come from.

Voodoo. Hrm, I don't know the voodoo rules really well, so I'll refrain from
a comment.

Chi users could fit with Blessed alright... thin line between some eastern
religions and the MA philosphy. Hucksters are pushing it, but I don't think
anything specifically rules it out. Now, butt-kicking easterners aren't
really the inventor type, so MS is probably a wash, but yet again nothing
rules it out.

And Harrowed, well anyone can be harrowed. =)

... armchair philosophers? Where are they supposed to do it? "Descarte leapt
across the ditch as the bullets buzzed past his ears like angry wasps - 'If
all I can know is the product of my own perceptions,' he thought as he
punched another Hussar in the throat, 'then all I can say with any
confidence is "I think, therefore I am." ' Turning, he grabbed the Prussian
colonel's cap and wrenched down over his ears, tossing him back into the
trench now filled with twisted corpses."  --Radical Athority (rpg.net)