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[DL] Was something about somebody, but is now about Mad Science!

Given that I am in a party with three PC Mad Scientists and one, sometimes
two NPC MS's, I saved those Edge and Hindrance posts!

One Alchemist by himself can be amazingly powerful, but a party of
Scientists with different or overlapping specialties can do amazing things.
The assisted research rules are actually pretty friendly (though that
"shared dementia" thing can be a pain) and it becomes MUCH easier to get the
higher hands needed to make some of the bigger stuff.

I can see why one might think that they are hosed because they don't come
"stock" with their own edges and hindrances like the other AB's, but
literally the sky's the limit.  Heck, with Alchemy, darn near ANYTHING is
possible with enough research time and the right hand.

Besides, applying Mad Science to creating a normal science gizmo speeds up
the building time by incredible amounts, and since you only pay for
materials, it can be a much cheaper way to go than buying stuff.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Grand Master Nilus of the Dark Angel Chapter"
To: <deadlands@gamerz.net>
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 7:04 AM
Subject: Re: [DL] Ms. Brock's behaviour (OT)

> Now lets please get back to talking about our favorite game.  The sad
> was while this was going on a lot of good ideas for Mad Scientists went by
> as well.