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Re: [DL] Mad Scientists are so weak!

>          (I'm snipping the rest of Mr. Downs' message because he makes some 
> very good points that stand without further comment from me.)
>          Speaking just as a DL fan, I have always wanted to see a Mad 
> Scientist book that *wasn't* just a gadget book; something more along the 
> lines of _Hucksters & Hexes_ and _Fire & Brimstone_ that provide more 
> options for the Archetype itself...and more cool stuff for them to do in 
> general.
>          Just my CS$0.02...
> Deo Vindice,
> Mr. Christopher L. McGlothlin, M.Ed.


Derek D. Bass
Etheric Musings - The Science of the Sons of Ether

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