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[DL] Problem players & cool monologue

>This is my rant and rave about the adventure so players get out!

[snip] players not working together.

Sounds to me you need to lead them the correct way by wacking them over the
head with a two by four.  I think the general concencous(sp?) here is, "If
they die by stupidity, let 'em die..."  That & if they're not being fairly
heroic, then I think one person's post about just stopping the game &
letting everyone have a time to calm down works too.  Strangely, we haven't
had this problem in my gaming groups...  Wonder why?  You know, not to knock
anyone here, but I think it may be because the age average for us is around
30.  We can't get together often (kids & family come first) so when we do,
we don't screw around too much-- figure out what we need to do, come up with
a plan, execute; be home by 9:00pm.

Cool Monologue...

>Mayor: "Oh God, they're going to kill us all!"
>Shepherd: "No they won't.  You and your people will be
>Mayor: "Are you insane?  Why should we believe that?"
>Shepherd: "Because I say so."  Walks outside.

Man, that was so cool!  I hope Shepherd got some chips for that roleplaying!
Man, "Because I say so," fits one of our characters to a "T".

Jeff S