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Re: RE: d20 Initiative (was [DL] Re: [WW] Re: Systems [Veering OT])
> Well I didnt originally post this thread but Ill be happy to take it up
> for a bit. AHEM. Using initiative is necessary to gain the advantage on
> the opponent. If for instance I have a 19, and Clint has a 12, I can
> shoot Clint dead before he can move.
True, but only on the first round of the combat. The point of the thread is
that after that first round, the higher init is less valuable.
And if Clint has to spend this
> round drawing his gun and I know my initiative will be higher than his
> if I can refocus, then I would do so. You see that way I go before him.
> If I go first and I can make him dead, then he dies, and I dont.
I'm not sure I understand your example. You have a gun out, he doesn't. He
beats your init and draws his gun. You now have a choice. Refocus, giving
up your current action, then go first next round; or shoot him with your
action before next round. Either way you shoot before he does. How does
refocusing help you here?