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SV: [DL] The Guru of EVIL

Easy! Killing is against taoism and bhuddism (it's in the book) I tried the
same thing when my Shaolin monk accidentally killed a guy in a fistfight, I
lost a level i faith because of that. Afterwards I killed a werewolf with a
10' pole and the sweep maneuver (Good thing  if you don't wanna get bitten)
Or your marshal could put him up against a pugilist with the fighting
maneuvers described in Back East the North. (Where speed and technique
succeeds for asian fighting styles, brutality succeeds for european)
Also gatling pistols, rifles and shotguns'll pick him off like that.
Blessed martial artists can be a pain in the butt, but then again ALL
munchkin PC's are like that.

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Jeff Shoffner [mailto:shoffner@usit.net]
Sendt: 21. april 2002 03:56
Til: deadlands@gamerz.net
Emne: [DL] The Guru of EVIL

Hmmm..... Clint Black is the true guru of EVIL.  And all this time, I
thought he just sung country songs to pass the time. :)

Well, Mr. EVIL, perhaps you can help me like you helped the guy with
superhero Blessed.

I have Mao the Human Cuisinart, an enlightened martial artist that has to be
seen to be believed.  Once,  our marshal through out a Japanese Ronin at
him, just to play with him a little.  Mao decides to have fun with the guy &
enters combat with a pair of chopsticks (Enlightened Gimick Weapon).  They
charge into melee combat, Mao gets to go first, hits the guy in the eyes
with an aimed shot, rolls a god-awful roll (somewhere in the 50s), rolls for
damage & manages to come up with a total of 72 or some such.  Marshal just
throws up his hands & lets the ronin die.

Mao is just a killing machine; has no remorse for other folks (heck, we've
even had some trouble with other posse members), but he doesn't really DO
anything to really tick off any players or NPCs

I ran him through the Devil's Tower trilogy; first act, I beefed up the gang
involved, & he almost single-handedly kills them all even though I played
them as a team.  (Oh man, in one scene he encounters [blank] when another
sneaks up behinds him to shoot him in the back. Mao makes his cognition,
catches the two bullets fired at him, throws them at the first person, I
surprise him by having first person CATCH them & THROW them back as well, he
catches them AGAIN to throw them at the person who shot him.  This takes out
gunbunny, plus he has one Action left to take out his original foe.

So, any thoughts?

Oh, another time, went up against the big "bad" guy in Ghost Busters.
Heh-heh.  FINALLY fails that damn "spider sense" thing he's got going for
him & gets it good in the back. He reacts next action to tag the guy with
his sword, I cheat & have the guy ghost out of the way. I do the drill of
losing him in the steam & whatnot, he notices another attack that is coming
in, easily dodges it, does "Smoke Parts For Iron" nails the bad guy with
such a phenomenal hit that vamoosing ain't going to help, & rips the guy's
leg off.

I'm seriously thinking of sending him to HoE.  I think he'd do well

Jeff S

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