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Re: [DL] [d20]Character Sheets[SHANE]
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruce White" <thumprhead@yahoo.ca>
To: <deadlands@gamerz.net>
Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2002 2:15 PM
Subject: Re: [DL] [d20]Character Sheets[SHANE]
> Try http://pcgen.sourceforge.net/
> Where you'll find the PCGen character generator for D20 game systems,
> including all the D20 Deadlands material for the Core rulebook, Horrors
> o' the Weird West, Way of the Huckster, Way of the Gun, and the DLD20
> material on PEG's website. It's got a good selection of character
> sheets to choose from, including one specifically for Deadlands D20
> (although it doesn't have the Deadlands logo either, sorry). And in
> about three weeks or so, the program _should_ have the material for Way
> of the New Science and maybe even Lone Stars. That is, it will if the
> house-hunting trip I'm taking to my new job at that time takes me
> anywhere near a decent game store. None of the stores where I am now
> carry any of PEG's stuff :-(
> Bruce White
> LST File Writer for PCGen Deadlands D20
I do have to add one caveat to this. What Bruce fails to mention is that
PCGen is written in Java, and requires Java Runtime Environment. I don't
know about anyone else here, but the last time I installed JRE on my box, it
screwed up a number of other programs that I use more frequently than JRE to
the point where I had to uninstall it to use them.
Personally, I feel that doing anything in Java that isn't going to be used
on the Web is poor coding. It's far better for the end user to do it in C++
or the like...