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Re: [DL] hate DeadLands d20 ... love HOL (getting OT)

 >Actually from what I here. At Charging only 20 bucks a book.  WOTC actually
 >was losing a buck or two on the sale of every PHB, DMG, and MM.  This is
 >entirely possible since they made there money back selling tiny little soft
 >cover Prestige Class Crack books to Fan boys.

That's a good part of it, but at the larger print runs that WotC did for 
the initial release and given the number of direct sales they did, WotC was 
more like making a dollar or two per book.

Not enough profit to justify continuing to selling in that method, 
especially given that future print runs are going to be smaller.

But yeah, the gravy is in the secondary sales.  It's also why you can buy 
ink jet printers for under a hundred dollars - at 25+ dollars a replacement 
cartridge they make their profit fast.

Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/

Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film.