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Re: [DL] Relics & Relic-creating (was Re: Several Topics)
--- Matt Maybray <reginald_q_bumbershoot@hotmail.com>
I think the way of creating relics, inadvertantly or
otherwise, should be restricted to house rules,
because yes, if official rules existed then everyone
would have a relic.
> I'd say the character would need the renown edge at
> Level 5, or else be a
> harrowed with the relic power
I like this idea. Anyone with Renown has the
capability of 'creating' a relic. Although, I've
noticed that relics usually impart abilities that the
original owners possessed. So a relic created by a PC,
Mao the human cuisinart for example, would only be
able to give someone else benefits (and taints). This
could also explain why most people have to die in
order for their relics to be created, the powers
aren't noticed until someone else picks up the relic.
(Thanks for the Renown idea, I'm gonna go write up
some house rules for creating relics now)
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