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[DL] Possible way to keep the ABs at a reasonable level
However, this requires the use of the non-random trait
system described on PEG's web page. This is basically
a variation of the Shadowrun character creation
system. You assign each of the priorities to Traits,
Aptitudes, Cash, and Arcane. Here's the chart (hope it
comes out straight):
Priority Traits Aptitudes Cash Arcane
A Grizzled 30 $300 Yes
B Veteran 24 $250 No
C Seasoned 18 $200 No
D Greenhorn 12 $150 No
Of course, unless you're a complete moron, you'll
assign D to Arcane if you want a non-arcane character.
Hindrances and Edges are done as normal, except that
the Arcane Background edge is only available if you
selected A for Arcane and want a multi-arcane like a
metal mage. What do you think, sirs?
I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace, that two are called a law firm, and that three or more become a Congress.
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