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Re: [DL] Defending Yankee Pride

I guess I'm considered a Yankee. I was born across the Delaware River
from Philadelphia and have lived in southern New Jersey most my life. I
married a gal whose family has southern roots, from Virginia.
In Deadlands, the North has gotten the short end of the stick a little,
but not much. I find the Confederacy completely interesting in both the
real world and the RPG. However, in Hell on Earth, the Union definately
suffers the worst of it. Read Waste Warriors to get my drift.
I think in Deadlands, in the wake of Dead Presidents, both the Union and

Confederacy are at a stand still. This means the South won the Civil War

(or War of Northern Aggression to those living below the Mason-Dixon
Line). Should be interesting times ahead for Yankee-Rebel relations...

Marshal "Damn Yankee" Eric