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Re: [DL] Rules Tinkerin': Fate Chips
Lemme just say that I haven't read any of the replies posted, yet.
I got this same problem. Mostly because I'm dealing with a posse that Knows
how to use this system, and who just about never get hurt. (I gave myself a
big pat on the back when I actually managed to give one of them a serious
wound to the head.)
My main ideas for the solution of this problem is, A.) seperate the types of
fate chips your posse gets.(one pot, but certain fate chips can only be used
for certain things.) The 3 chips drawn("Draw Chips") each session are ONLY
good for wounds and rolls. keep track of them seperately. Then, at the end of
each session, you hand out "Bounty chips" which are good for wounds, rolls,
And bounty. Chips given out for roleplaying can be given either as Draw
Chips or Bounty Chips, your call.
Then, there's rules about how Bounty chips can be spent. After giving out
Bounty Chips, a "Spendin' Time"- about 15-20 minutes after a game where those
Bounty Chips can be spent. This spendin' time is the only time when bounty
chips can be spent. And Bounty chips not spent at the end of this time gets
converted in "Draw Chips." In Theory, if they somehow Earned Bounty chips,
they should be able to appropriately spend them somewhere. For this, you'd
have to eliminate the medium of raw Bounty. A person could otherwise
accumulate a mound of Bounty via cool, gainful social interaction and
conniving, and then speand that bounty to raise their Shootin', because they
shot a rooster. Naw, that doesn't work. The exception to that, though, is if
a person wants to raise something big- like a trait die type, or an expert
skill, or somesuch. In that case, bounty can be set aside for THAT purpose
alone, and not changed.
The other thing you could do is to no longer arbitrarily give a draw of 3
Chips at the Beginning of each session. Fate should only give a helpin hand
to the players when it's due. This raises the question, When is that due?
Obviously, when the heroes have Succeeded, and moved forward in their goals,
and been amusing to the "marshal." What I propose is that whenever a player
Earns 6 "Bounty" worth of chips from plot or rolelplaying, then you can
assume that they've achieved enough in the world for fate to smile on them,
and Then they get to Draw 3 chips. That makes sense to me, at least...