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RE: [DL] Dyn-o-mite!

--- Matthew Hanson <deviantsevant@msn.com> wrote:
> For the purposes of simplicity you could simply rule
> that if someone 
> chuckin' dynamite at his foes, they go off when they
> hit thier target, 
> unless they botch, which would be bad.

lol...I'm usually all for simplicity! Thanks to all
who have answered so far. Let me set the stage a
little better.

The characters are fighting a Painted Rattler (smaller
cousin of the Mojave in Arizona's Painted Desert)
inside a wooden showring set up by a Mad Scientist.
One of the members, not facing the Rattler, has just
located a crate of dynamite inside a root cellar
(didn't realize at the time it didn't come that way.
My exposure to dynamite is largely limited to Looney
Tunes) and brought up the crate. Problem is, the
showring's on fire, and there are hostages tied to the
supports of the showring.

Now, the character has no demolitions skill at all. He
was just aiming to blow up the Rattler, but realized
after lighting the fuse that the blast radius would
probably take out his pal in the Rattler's tentacles
as well as a hostage or two.

Since he was lighting the fuse for effect rather than
as an offensive measure this time (he thought it would
fit better in the storyline to have him light it and
chuck it away), I'm not gonna have it go off in his
hand. But if he's carrying sticks of dynamite through
the burning doors of a showring...I'll need an idea of
how much time he has before the sticks in his holsters
go boom.

Again, thanks to all for the advice. If you want to
watch the combat unfold, feel free to join our
Yahoo!group and see what winds up happening.

- Ivan

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