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Re: [DL] Questions

In a message dated 6/20/2001 9:17:56 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
badbatzx@yahoo.com writes:

<< -Does the South of the Border Suppliment have any Info
 on Zorro? If I wait for the DL d20 stuff, I could use
 the d20 Zorro game as a Suppliment,but I have some
 Idea's for a Mexican/Texas Yarn. >>

    Nope, it doesn't cover Zorro. The closest you'll come to that in 
published DL material is the character Turquesa I created in TALES O' TERROR 
1877. However, the forthcoming LEGEND OF ZORRO RPG from Gold Rush Games, with 
which I believe our own Mr. McGlothlin has had some involvement, should 
provide you with all the info you'd care to know about the Man in Black. :)

Steve Long