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Re: [DL] Let's talk about drugs...

> In terms of game effects:
> For Absinthe, I'd use the drinkin rules presented on the Peginc site:
> http://www.deadlands.com/WeirdWest/Support/Adventures/DrinkingRules.htm
> but give a random Insanity from the Mad Scientists Table to anyone with a
> serious Hankerin':Absinthe Hindrance.
> I seem to recall an article somewhere about opium use in Deadlands, but can't for >
the life of me remember where... Perhaps someone else has this tidbit?

I know that absinthe, if abused, can provoke hallucinations as severe as those gained
by LSD... A friend of mine drank it once, she claims to have seen a giant lizard on
the wall.

Marshal Ole I. Stene
oleingva@ifi.ntnu.no - ICQ #67957926

             -Mors Principium Est-