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Re: [DL] Law Question

One thing you haven't mentioned, that I believe would make a difference to
Deseret, was whether any of the victims were Mormon.  Genteel (sp? -- too
early in the morning to spell right now) victims won't spark as much
interest from the Mormon powers-that-be as Mormon victims would.

And what did the criminal (the guy being questioned, who was later shot to
death by the Deputy Marshal) do to become criminal?  If he was a serial
killer of young Mormon mothers, or a spy for the USA against the CSA, would
also make a difference in Deseret's response to the whole situation I think.

How much of a bargaining chip the character might be would also depend on
how valuable you think he is to the USA.  I gather from your post that you
helped develope the character's background -- so is the character important
to the Union or not?  You're the only one with an answer to that.  But it
might be fun if the Union isn't too keen on the guy but Deseret thinks he's
real important, and try to use him as a bargaining chip.  "Sure, hang him,
we don't care."  "Hey!  I work for you guys!!!"

Jeff Y.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Spence, Roy" <r.spence@weir.co.uk>
To: "'Deadlands List'" <deadlands@gamerz.net>
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 6:24 AM
Subject: Re: [DL] Law Question

> Thanks for the replies.  FYI neither of the shot bystanders died due to
> spending his last couple of fate chips to negate one wound to the guys
> noggin'.  The guy that the Deputy killed for firing at his friend would be
> also found to have some small voodoo pouches on his body - if that makes
> difference.
> I've just realised that I've missed some of the characters background out
> my original post.  The character is Indian, which is a little abnormal for
> Deputy US Marshal (- I think)  One of my long running reoccurring themes
> involves an Indian from the back of the Ghostdancers book.
> The player came up with the idea that the Union had stumbled onto this
> Indians existence and the trouble he is making and so deputised the
> character with a view to finding out what the bad Indian is up to and if
> relevant, take him down.  The character is also a relative of Quanah
> and has some renown.
> Going by the general responses to the first post - the guy should be
> for his crimes, unless I decide to be lenient.
> However I was wondering if his background would have any influence with
> that, i.e.
> - Would Utah use him as a bargaining chip with the Union for something
> want.  Maybe highlighting aspects of what he has done, the lawful
> for the crime and generally trying to get as much from the Union as
> if they want the guy to return to their soil.  Does this seem likely? Also
> if they did barter his freedom/pardon what level of "payment" would the
> Deseret want in return and would the Union pay it to avoid the public
> embarrassment if the guy's actions were to hit the headlines?
> - Or would Utah just announce his crimes in order to publicly shame the
> Union and hang him high, shipping his body back to the Union in a box?
> Cheers
> Roy
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