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Re: [DL] Reluctant Player Member

On Mon, 2 Apr 2001 20:53:21 -0400 "Dade" <dade@columbus.rr.com> writes:
> Well with all this talk about how to encourage a player to go along 
> with the flow...
> there is something to be said for not doing it.

There is definitely a balance between playing character motivations and
just going along because that's what the game is.  The burden shuld be
shouldered between the players and Marshal, and I've seen both types
screw it up bad.  Sometimes a player's just being an ass, and sometimes
the Marshal hasn't got his game figured out.  If a player is perennially
unmotivated, the Marshal should talk to he or her after the game and ask
what kind of motivations the character has.  If the player says anything
besides, "money, booze, sex an survival," those goals should be worked
into adventures.  If the player has no idea what would cause their
character to run into the mouth of danger, then the player has no idea
who their character is.
Over time, though, a group should become friends...or at least
associates.  The posse might get to know each other well enough to follow
one character on some important quest with no real motivation on their
parts.  That's called character development.

From Whom It May Concern,
Rich Ranallo

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