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Re: [DL] Loaded for Bear
so the "rounds" referenced in the duration are COMBAT rounds, not rounds as
in bullets??
----- Original Message -----
From: <SteveL1979@aol.com>
To: <deadlands@gamerz.net>
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 8:57 PM
Subject: Re: [DL] Loaded for Bear
> In a message dated 1/22/2001 6:24:41 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> natasha_corey@yahoo.com writes:
> << The hexslinger hex "Loaded for Bear" allows a
> hexslinger to increase the damage of a bullet based on
> the hand they pull. Here's the question - how many
> bullets dish out the increased damage? The
> description mentions "the bullet", but no specific
> reference is made to the quantity. The duration is
> listed as 1 wind per round, assumingly because half
> the utility of the hex is having it cast
> (successfully!) ahead of time and then entering a
> duel, coming around the cornor, ... Other hexes like
> "Argent Agony" are specific about listing the number
> of bullets that change, so the lack here is stumping
> me.
> So far our Marshall has ruled it's a one shot wonder,
> literally, but I just want to make sure. >>
> Well, I can speak to this question solely as the author of the hex in
> question. If an official PEG person wants to contradict me, more power to
> The hex as I wrote it is intended to work on every bullet the
> fires for the duration of the hex, though I would probably limit it to
> affecting only the gun(s) the character had in hand when he cast it.
> Steve Long
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