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Re: [DL] Striking Doomtown
On Fri, Jan 05, 2001 at 05:10:39PM -0800, Jesse Burneko said:
> I'm curious. Why exactly do you think Doomtown should
> be striken from the record? Is it just because the
> CCG failed or are there other reasons?
Nah, I was thinking it before the CCG went down... I just think that while
Doomtown was a decent CCG, and it served as a fine introduction to the
Deadlands universe, by the nature of its format I just don't find the setting
to be compatible with the RPG world. It's all too tidy and corny - eight
or nine (or whatever the number is) comparably-powered factions representing
each of the major Interesting Reasons Why You Should Play Deadlands - the
magicians, the scientists, the blessed, the Injuns, the North, the South,
the banditos and the law (the latter two being of more generic Western
It just leaves me with a feeling of being too unnatural - and I think that if
I were a player character and I got to the outskirts of Gomorra, it'd seem
like I were crossing a border of some sort into a similar but definitely
different universe, where the rules just aren't the same. Gomorra is an
anomaly that doesn't quite fit in.
In my opinion, of course. If other folks fit it into their campaigns and
enjoy it, then, of course, more power to them. But for me, I'll just leave
the Ghost as administrator of the Western Bureau (uhh, or whatever the right
name is). Then again, if Ghost Busters is indeed as good as Deadlander says
(I haven't read it yet) I might find a way to work it in by changing the
background a bit.
Oh yeah, come to think of it, part of my dislike for it is just irrational,
and caused by the fact that it gives away too much of the universe. I've
been going for as much player ignorance as possible in my campaign, and the
fact that anybody who plays Doomtown knows exactly who the Ghost is (for
example) means I've one less excellent twist to throw into my campaign. Oh,
the gnashing of teeth when I heard the Cult of Lost Angels were going to
replace the Flock (I'd stopped playing Doomtown before then) and presumably
everybody would know their little secret too. Although from what I gather
from subtly-phrased queries of the remaining Doomtown players around here,
they never got around to spilling the beans on that one before the game died.
Also, it wouldn't be so much of a problem if all games were set in the
Current Official Time, but we've only gotten as far as December 1875 yet.
| This is pointless and will only promote in-jokes and cliquism.|
Sillicon: 6th, 7th and 8th of April 2001.