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RE: [DL] Death rate -- Lost another PC Sunday night.

Poor Bart the Clueless PC.  First, he picks the only spot my Big Bad Monster
With Sharp Teeth (tm) can leap out and attack right away.  I even gave
Bart's player a red chip for Cluelessly putting himself into danger.

So of course the Monster jumps out, and Bart is surprised.  I promptly have
the monster bite him.  Chips go away.  Then, the first PC with a gun to act
misses his rifle shot.  The d6 bystander roll is of course a 1.  Bart looses
the rest of his chips, and two of the shooter's, trying not to loose his
shootin' arm!  This is then followed up by an Indian shaman, who used a
couple high cards burnin' appeasment, firing an arrow that just glows with
nature spirit 'ooomph'.  The damage that would be done to my poor size 12
monster is incredible!  So the Indian's player kindly rolls a bust for his
shootin', hitting Bart square in the back, for seven wounds!

It was the only player fatality of the night, and probably the yarn, and I
didn't do it.

Jeff "I got lots of stories like this" Y.
Marshal for the Dynamite Gang

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-deadlands@gamerz.net [mailto:owner-deadlands@gamerz.net]On
> Behalf Of Marguerite Frey

> > I've only killed maybe four characters in the
> > years we've been playing, where I've planned and
> Thanks again for the message, Jeff, the gang got a
> kick out of it!  As for kills, so far we've got three
> Marguerite of EMGB, otherwise known as Maggie Jensen