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RE: [DL] Death rate

"I've only killed maybe four characters in the
years we've been playing, where I've planned and
wxecuted the attack, and gotten the kill.  But easily
a dozen more have kicked the bucket because of
posse actions (I've been outof chips, with 3 wounds to
the head and guts of my fear monger, trying to plan a
retreat, when the posse goes and blows something up, 
killing every thing except one character or two). I
find it amusing, as do the players, but I am curious
sometimes about what kind of PC death rate other
marshals have."

Thanks again for the message, Jeff, the gang got a
kick out of it!  As for kills, so far we've got three
players on their third characters, and two others
still on their first.  Strangly enough, it's the women
who have their original characters; one joined a bit
later and it probably helps that she's harrowed. The
other, I'm proud to say, is my own - and she's been
here since Module 1.  I full admit a good chunk of her
survival is due to being the last man standing in two
different modules, so she got massive experience jumps
early on.

But I'm the lucky one.  One of our players went
through a new character each module for two in a row,
and another has every one of his characters killed
with head shots!

Marguerite of EMGB, otherwise known as Maggie Jensen

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