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Re: [DL] DUNE [OT]

--- Kurt Criscione <blight777@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >We hand
> >the asian lady over to Hanuman for a hefty chunk of change (our
> Hindu
> >contact for Hellstrome).
> The funny thing is is I recently started running my posse through the
> devil's tower tri. and at the end of the first part Elvira was the
> only one 
> left and she was handed over to Hanuman... though i must admit I
> revamped 
> her stats to the Hexacrana stats and she ended up with an incredible
> number 
> of extra points so I bought a few powers and upped some minour
> skills.  
> Rolling a 36 to hit (vs tn 7) for Venom Punch is evil.  hheh heheh
> ehheh.
> We're supposed to play today, the final chapter of book 2 but our
> game area 
> has been taken over and DUNE is on tonight at 9pm (eastern).  I hope
> to get 
> something done.  Anyway more power to you, and have fun with book
> two.

And if any of you happy, kind and loving Deadlanders out there with
cable that does not absolutely suck would record this fine show, I'd be
happy to pay for a copy of the tape.

Bryce "Has the original uncut to trade..." Perry

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