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Re: [DL] The sad loss of the Cardstock Cowboys and a question.

To be snide, no not in those exact terms - you'd have
to add in a bunch of marketing buzz words.  It's well
known on the Hero boards that I don't agree with
Tundra's stated marketing approach for both the
Pinnacle and Hero Games lines. 

On a completely person note, this guys behavior in a
forum run by the company his distributing would make
me fire him in a heartbeat if I was his boss.  He's
ticked off a LOT of people over there, in my not so
humble opinion.

Come on over and take a look: 

Marguerite of EMGB, otherwise known as Maggie Jensen

--- Allan Seyberth <darious@darious.com> wrote:
> (blam)
>  >but I've heard the "this may not be
>  >what you want, but it's what will sell" argument
>  >now from Cybergames.
> Please tell me that they did not say this in those
> exact words.  That 
> statement is wrong on so many levels.
> -------------------
> Allan Seyberth
> darious@darious.com
> Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/
> I'd like to end the book a lot of ways. Except I
> don't have any answers. 
> Use your common sense. Be nice. This is the best I
> can do. All the trouble 
> in the world is human trouble. Well, that's not
> true. But when cancer cells 
> run amok and burst out of the prostate and take over
> the liver and lymph 
> glands and end up killing everything in the body
> including themselves, they 
> certainly are acting like some humans we know.
>                  -P.J. O'Rourke
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