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SV: [DL] Music recommendations

Yeah! I forgot the Conan soundtrack. Use that all the time. Great


-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: owner-deadlands@gamerz.net [mailto:owner-deadlands@gamerz.net]På
vegne av Dan Davenport
Sendt: 22. november 2000 10:23
Til: deadlands@gamerz.net
Emne: Re: [DL] Music recommendations

This morning I was listening to a midi of the "Conan" theme I'd
forgotten I had. It struck me that if you can divorce the Conan imagery
from your mind while listening, it has a bit of a "Dark Western" feel to
it -- especially if you mentally substitute the horns for a guitar. :)

Dan Davenport

"Beware the inveterate punster, Doyle, it's a sure sign of brewing
mental disturbance." -- Jack Sparks (to Arthur Conan Doyle), _The List
of 7_

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