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[DL] character death.. and what now...

It's 4:30 am. My spelling/grammar is probably atrocious.  Anyway...

I normally don't spew forth anecdotes about my characters but tonight
Calvin, my overawe-munchkin bounty-hunter died. And then came back to life
(kind of). I thought this was classic...

After saving a man's life, solving the mystery of three sabotaged trains,
keeping a building from blowing up, shooting four guys, and torturing a man
for information, I died at the hands of a newly introduced (although much
talked about) creature called "The Mangler." I helped take him down, but
took a massive wound and fell bleeding on the ground. No one in my group had
a Medicine score, so they couldn't stop my bleeding. I spent a Legend Chip
to hold on, and my Marshal ruled that our huckster could try a "speedy"
helpin' hands to save me (He didn't want me dead, either). She took backlash
and /caused/ a wound to my guts instead, so I died faster than my blood loss
could kill me.

So I'm saying my final words, proud to die destroying such a vile creature
as the Mangler (and passing on my "to kill" list), when I immediately die in
mid-sentence. My Marshal looks up, and asks "Does anyone have any last words
for Calvin?" The responses:

Laura (the huckster), "Whoops!"
Frank (gunslinger-type), "What's he got on him?"

It was pretty funny. Anyway, so we make the harrowed pull and I get the
Black Joker. Whee... He's pretty much an NPC now, but I get to buy his
harrowed powers, so I'm involved with his unlife.

I take comfort in the fact that we destroyed in 3 combat rounds what was to
be a major villain NPC for us.

Sinister "I love this game" Dexter