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[DL] Session Recap

Damn enter key.  That last empty post was supposed to be this.  I managed to 
get a member of my posse to write a session recap in character.  It was 
supriseingly good.  Here it is, uncut and crystal meth, I mean pure.

Ron C

A day in the life of Jimbo Jones...GunBunny extroardenaire and really pissed 
off undead guy

Waking up from a dirt nap isn't very pleasant, especially when you have to 
crawl your way out of the grave.
Well....I had quite a bit of time to think about what I wanted to do when I 
got out. The only thing I could
think of....shoot somebody. A lot of somebodies. Well, now I'm just gonna 
skip to the good part. Turns out
there's a man running around killing law men. I don't take kindly to that. 
Turns out there's a funny looking
asian guy trying to do the same thing. We hook up to take out this Rex guy 
and his gang...and that's it...after
that I may just shoot the guy for being a gook. We start on down the trail 
tracking down a lead the gook got
earlier. A short walk later, we find ourselves in front of this big smelting 
factory. It's big, it's dark, and
it probly has people I can shoot. We start going in the front door when all 
of a sudden, this group of drunken
rabble starts up after us. I didn't think nothing of the bastards untill 
they started pulling. Boy do I love it
when people try to draw, it makes my day that much more interesting. I pull 
out one of my trusty peacemakers and
start popping off at the newcomers. I don't need to say anything 'bout my 
skills. Lets just call it the luck o'
the draw. I fire off my first two bullets into the first guy's head. Don't 
kill em, just wound him enough to make
him think. Then I fire off two more bullets at two different guys, both in 
the head. Damn if they just don't die
right there, but it's not necessary. All of a sudden, I just get this urge 
to talk things out with 'em. So, I just
say in a nice and calm voice: "If you're gonna shoot, you might as well hit 
me, cause it's gonna be all over soon."
Did I mention the bullets whizzing by me? Sorry, but I didn't really think 
it important to mention that they couldn't
hit the broadside of a barn. Four of them chickened out an skiddaddled. This 
just compounds the anger I'm feelin. With
Four running, that means six people actually thought they could take me. 
They though for one minute that they could
possibly have a snowball's chance in hell to beat me. Well, I never claimed 
they were bright. I fire off two more
bullets to the heads of two more unfortunate souls. I'm outta bullets and 
quite lazy. It's a tough decision between
dropping the current gun and drawing another one, or just running over there 
and beating the everliving tar outta those
lillies. That damn urge kicks in again and I tell them flat out with my nice 
calm voice that death is here. They decide
to vamoose then, smarter than the average drunken rabble I would say. My 
happy go lucky asian sidekick has done nothing
but soak up those bullets while I have to do all the hard work around here. 
I might just shoot him soon, he's not doing
what he's supposed to be good at, all that kicking and punching and flipping 
and hollering. To make a long story not so
long, we decide to go into the factory in the back side...and end up finding 
a big ol' honking armored pit fighter.
I take one look at him...and pop off two shots straight into his beady 
little eyes. One seriously aggravating thing about
this guy is the fact that he is wearing armor. The bullets fly towards their 
target, only to be thwarted by that damnable
armor. He grabs me with a big ol' steam pincer and starts to squeeze and 
bash the hell outta me. Meanwhile, the stupid
gook has his hands down his pants trying to find the courage to fight the 
ugly brute. Then this really odd thing happens.
The dude's arms start to glow....and then he gets smacked a good one from 
the stupid ape holding me. I break free of the
grip after being tossed around like a cheap whore and manage to pop off a 
couple more shots at his goggle things. Well, I
guess fate was with me, cause those things popped off and I managed to nail 
him in the eye right quick. My short little
asian pal decides to play nice with the big dude and sweeps it off it's 
feet. I take the time to fire two shots off at the
big guy's unarmored crotch. Strangely enough, with two bullets, one hits him 
in the leg with minor flesh damage....the
other one pops up and hits it in the head. Guess this guy's got some sorta 
magnet in his head armor. Well, I've gotta
go, the big dude is getting back up, and the asian dude sure isn't gonna do 
anything.....I've got a shotgun he can suck
on after this is over. Back to the shooting....where the real fun is. Oh, 
note to self, pick up another pair of guns....
I'm feeling a little underarmed...7 just ain't enough to get into real 

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