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[DL] Seaking of Faith (was: need a quick blessed ruling)

Speaking of faith, while we're told that Shamans don't need faith on
accounta they're so chummy with the spirit world already, and they
should use their level in Ritual whenever Faith is called for, there
are still passages in the texts that are specifically directed at
Shamans but nonetheless speak of making a faith roll.

And while I'm on the subject, I think the shaman characters are
getting a raw deal.  I bought Hexarcana and not only do Shamans get
the shortest section of any arcane background type, but shamans
favored by the Eagle spirit get the shabbiest treatment of all -- not
only is there no really *new* Vision Seeking medicine, one of the
existing favors got split into two halves that must both be granted
in order to accomplished what used to be the doable with one.

I've half a mind to abandon the rest of the surviving posse in the
Hunting Grounds.
                                Netse Ôhtsevehâtse