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RE: [DL] Scenarios

>and although I like creating my own scenarios, it can be difficult to keep
>up with several systems at once and useing the occasional published
>adventure has been a game save. However those games that don't publish
>scenarios, make it more difficult to run them becuase you always have to
>come up with your own stuff. And if they don't make alot of money how about
>some way of promoting adventures written by fans and placed on the net for
>downloading. I have found it almost impossiable to find new material even
>here on the net.

Have you checked the PEG web site?
They currently have something like 2 dozen Deadlands adventures up there!

Also, there are currently about 8 Dime novels still in print, plus 6 or so
full length (i.e., multiple session) adventures available.

Hope this helps.


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