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Re: [DL] Is this place dead or what?

Well, that's a bloody bleak way of putting it...
When I said that they should do regional conventions, I wasn't implying
that they do 10 GenCon-sized conventions a year.  But having some Winter
Fantasy-sized conventions scattered across the map might work (granted,
those of you I'm speaking to probably didn't go to Winter Fantasy,
because it was in Milwaukee, then Chicago and now Indianapolis).  Gamers
themselves would only be going to one more con than they go to already
(the whole point was so gamers in the Pacific Northwest can't make it to
a con that's in, say, Florida), since it's not necessary to go to EVERY
That, and not every game company would go to the smaller cons.  PEG
didn't send Shane and crew to Winter Fantasy, but all the game companies
that were local to the midwest made a showing; it was, simply a LOCAL

On Thu, 10 Aug 2000 12:24:46 -0700 (PDT) Ronald Conner
<marshal_dude@excite.com> writes:
>  Now here is the problem with that... Ask anybody at PEG if they have 
> the time, energy and money to attend 4 huge cons every year.  In 
> addition to the two or three that they already attend.  You just can't
do it.  
> Something is always going to get lost in the shuffel.  I would love for
there to 
> be a local NorthWest Gencon to compete with the regular one and the one

> in the UK but if PEG couldn't make it what's the point.

From Whom It May Concern,
Rich A Ranallo

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