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Re: [DL] Random RV&C2 quesitons

JohnGoff@deadlands.com wrote:
> > reference to Fearmongers somewhere in the book, but am
> > unable to relocate it.  I have the original books and
> > understand what Fearmongers are, but I had thought
> > that Pinnacle was getting rid of them due to
> > confusion.  I believe I had some confusion as to the
> > context in which they were used, but without being
> > able to find the reference I cannot say what bothered
> > me.
> >
> Hmm...let me know when you find it. I searched my documents for any
> combination of the words "fear" and "monger," and couldn't find them. OTOH,
> I only looked in the Marshal's Handbook sections, so I might have missed.
> it.
> And, yes, we did ditch the "fearmonger" distinction. It was giving too many
> people too much grief. :-)

That kinda leads into a question I had.  I've run into the end of some
"scenarios" where the taking-down of the Big Baddy (the culminating evil
formerly known as the Fearmonger) turns out to be an anti-climax.  For
instance, "Coming Around the Mountain" ended with a a very quick
resolution.  You know, the "Caw, caw.  BANG!  Oh ----, I'm dead!" ending
-- the bug didn't hold up for the few seconds it took to describe it!  I
ran it straight too!  It just flat out didn't have a chance.

So, here's the dilemma:  I didn't reward fate chips for the resolution
of the adventure.  I know, I know -- that's pretty unfair.  But, I felt,
there was just no risk to the PC's.  Therefore, no real "threat" that
fate would look kindly upon.  So, did I do a bad thing or a good thing? 
If it helps, I awarded chips for good role playing -- the usual stuff. 
You know, the path to Hades is paved with good intentions...
