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Re: [DL] Let's Talk Wrasslin'

> 1.  roll my fightin':wrasslin' trait againt a TN of 5+opponents wrasslin'
trait level (if he doesn't have wrasslin can he use his brawlin' skill level
as a related aptitude, taking the -4 modifier for unskilled?  or would it
default to 1 die roll of his Nimbleness die type, -4 for unskilled roll.)

I'd make it an opposed roll, but give the opponent more options than just
fightin': brawlin. I'd say, since he's just trying to get loose--not
actually hold anyone himself, he can roll fightin': wrasslin', fightin':
brawlin', fightin': martial arts, or maybe even Nimbleness or Strength to
break free.

And, I'd only let it work on human-sized/shaped opponents for the most part.

If your hero makes a "hold" like this, your character _can_ also choose to
cause Wind damage on the second and succeeding Actions you manage to
maintain it, but not the first. He may also choose _not_ to do so and merely
restrain the opponent. If that's the case, roll normal brawlin' damage each
time, but you don't have to roll to hit as long as the hold is maintained.

> 2.  given my attempt is successful we start rolling oppossed rolls against
a TN of 5.  would i roll my STR or my wrasslin'?  better yet i could roll
> does that sound right?

STR, just as if your character had punched the cowpoke.

> also, how do you show wind in a situation like that.  two ppl wrasslin'
around are bound to get tired.

We generally don't bother with fatigue rules unless it's something _really_
extreme--and fun--to keep track of. I just found reference to two
prizefights in the Western time period that lasted in excess of 5-6 hours
each, as a bit of trivia...

> would you have to make a called shot using your MA skill level on their
arm, then once you have them make oppossed rolls of your MA level vs. their
MA level or their wrasslin level, related skill level, nimbleness
level.....?  how?

I'd handle it the same as for fightin': wrasslin' above. Different
real-world mechanics, but same game-wise.

