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[DL] Let's Talk Wrasslin'

right then.  say i wanted to restrain some disorderly cuss with my bare hands.

1.  roll my fightin':wrasslin' trait againt a TN of 5+opponents wrasslin' trait level (if he doesn't have wrasslin can he use his brawlin' skill level as a related aptitude, taking the -4 modifier for unskilled?  or would it default to 1 die roll of his Nimbleness die type, -4 for unskilled roll.)  
2.  given my attempt is successful we start rolling oppossed rolls against a TN of 5.  would i roll my STR or my wrasslin'?  better yet i could roll wrasslin/STR.  

does that sound right?
also, how do you show wind in a situation like that.  two ppl wrasslin' around are bound to get tired.

next question.  some martial arts holds don't require much strength.  just the right body part twisted in the right way, like a wrist lock.  i know of one move that has been practiced on me that only required the use of one of my fingers, leaving me immobile.  how would you go about attempting and then holding someone in one of these?  

would you have to make a called shot using your MA skill level on their arm, then once you have them make oppossed rolls of your MA level vs. their MA level or their wrasslin level, related skill level, nimbleness level.....?  how?  

did any of the above make sense? 

"It's amazing what you can do when you don't have to eat, sleep, or breathe anymore"  - Undead Rustler (apapted for use from Hollow Man)

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