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Re: [DL]: Beginners questions/Gomorra

     I wholeheartedly agree with John Goff's comments on Gomorra. For a
beginning Marshal, you have the entire city laid out before you in extreme
detail, with very complete histories and NPC profiles. As long as the posse
uses Gomorra as a base and branches out and about the Great Maze, I believe
it is one of the best sourcebooks for a Deadlands town out there. Not being
a collectible card player, I am not affected by the Doomtown storyline. My
posse is too easily scared to cause much problem in Gomorra anyway, they
are still minnows (or to use another water-connected term, chum).


>Hi.  Thanks for the exact quotes.  Obviously I misread it.  I misread the 
>second paragraph obviously.  That was just a quick scan in a gamestore.  Did 
>look like a lot of really cool stuff.  Thanks for setting me straight.