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[DL] What to do with a cheater

Hey all,

To make a long story short, I have a cheater in my Deadlands campaing that I
run every two weeks at my local gaming refuge.

He has, on several occasions, recorded more fate chips than he has, rolls
constantly and only stops when he gets a roll he likes (never under a 14 on
his 3d8 quickness....), reports what I have been told by other players as
higher totals than he has actually rolled. He sits on the far end of the
table (at my request, due to his loud voice drowing out others if he's too
close to me). To top off that heaping pile of smoking dung the player has a
tendancy to be disruptive at times. It's not like he's doing it to be a
jerk, he's just loud and has a short attention span. He drifts off the
subject, speaking over me (and I *hate* that!) when I'm doing story elements
and asides with separated characters and such. It probably wouldn't be so
bad, but ever since I found out he was cheating I have essentially avoided
going out of my way to make him an active particiapnt in the story. If he
decides he wants to roleplay, he can get into it, but as of yet he just
waits for the action to happen.

Due to the casual nature of the club that we have there is a bit of a
problem. Some of the other players who have caught him in the act have
reported it to me. However, as much as I inititally wanted to kick him out
of the group, we mutually agreed that cheating at an RPG is both rediculous
and pathetic (after all, no one wins, and the point is to tall a story and
have a good time). His behavior has yet to really effect their experience,
so untill it does he gets a little room. They also convinced me to let him
do what he does, but never spare the worst in respect to the character.
Never make him an active part of the story, etc. If the behavior becomes a
downer for the others in the group, however, he's out. And if he doesn't
watch the volume on his idle chatter, it's gonna happen.

So, has any one else had a cheater in their games (DL or not), and how did
you take care of it? I have to admit that it's bothering me a bit, and I've
never really had this kind of problem (whiners and cry babies, even loonies,
but never a cheater [at least one that got caught]).

Chris Aniballi
Callin' him out would be a bad idea, right?.... Right?
"Once you've driven a woman to suicide,
bringing one to orgasm is just not that impressive."
-Scott Carpenter