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Re: [DL] Plot help. . . PLEASE!!!

--- Jason Hawver <deadbeatgames@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Okay, before I get to the ploy help I need in
> particular, let me just say this:  If you play in
> the
> Saturday night Deadlands/BNW game at the Texas Game
> Company in Allen, read no further. . . 
> S
>  P
>   O
>    I
>     L
>      E
>       R
>      S
>     P
>    A 
>   C 
>  E
> Okay, Jake, you should really stop reading now. . .
> Okay, don't say I didn't warn you . . .

Spoiler space left in there just for Jake.

Simple answer, let the players use there abilities to
find the stolen goods.  It turns out the thief is
trying to frame a more reputable member of the
community and the players finding the goods helps his

-Munch Wolf
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