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Re: [BNW] What (if anything) will YOU do?
First of all.......
Glad to hear from The White Crow and the Herald....... (y'all STILL needs ta
Maybe i'm just one of "those gamers", but I don't think that a
doubling of the Primary Package and adding 2 or 3 more Packages makes an
Alpha. The way they are talked about, mentioned, described.....heck, even
FEARED, makes me believe them to be more......... powerful than that. I
mean......even the "given" that Superior is/was the most powerful Alpha ever
(I sort of doubt this, but that's another story), it's mentioned that he flew
from approximatly the middle of the country to a coast in "mere minutes".
Let's face it, he was a Tough! Without breaking into the old math book,
that will fall a tad more than an additional 2 or 3 Packages. Of course,
that's just my and the painkillers opinion.
SO .... with that thinking, what's to be done? Well, Herald
had the same idea on the roll. I had a slightly different thought. Being
a Deadlands player (heck, we even use the Initiative Cards system in BNW!),
we like the idea of it happening "at random". Maybe a Spirit roll at a TN
of 20 to 30? Use those unused delta Points then.......probably won't be
needing them anymore anyway! Was thinking that maybe something like
levels in Faith ("Please God......... I have to save those people!!") or
Bravery ("NO!! It CAN'T end this way!!) might add in.
The powers or Packages? Tough one. What's "too much"
and what's "not enough" to be called an Alpha? Here's where we might
vary....... A LOT! heh heh heh Here's my thoughts...... and yeah...
my players and I HAVE talked about this.... some like it, some don't. Me?
It's still a W.I.P., but here it is :
1>Consider the Original Power Package before the 'Boost'
2> Choose a number of Additional Packages, or "Slots" as I like to call them.
3>Add 1 new Package OR boost 1 (the original or a new one) for each "Slot"
4>Maybe even add in a few Dice levels and/or Stat Adds
I've kind of played around with this formula, using some, most, and all of
these, and I have to say that what works best for me/us (in regards to Alpha
vs. Reg, Alpha vs. Delta, Alpha vs. Alpha, and even Alpha vs.
Military.....Tanks are NASTY in this game!) was the Boost of between 7 and 9
additional "Slots" with NO MORE than Five different Packages (the rest went
into modifying or doubling the chosen ones).
Also, any new Packages the character gets out of this MUST work with the
original Package, or at least with the character concept (Concept is
everything with me... frustrated writer, dontcha know). Also, the "Slots"
can be used to remove limitations / quirks on Packages rather than ADD more
Packages or increasing Power.
I admit that it's easy to create NASTY Alphas this way, but then
again, that's my opinion on what an Alpha is. Created versions of Hank Pym
(my favorite character of all time), Mr. Fantastic, and the Flash with this
system and they worked well. They had their own strengths and weaknesses,
but in general, they did fit into the "More Powerful Than A Delta" mold.
Still....... none of this has been used in a game here, just playing around
with the concepts (there's that word again).
Well.......... let the comments fly iffin ya want. Pretty safe
to work with this right now..... we aren't currently playing BNW either Crow.
But it looks like I might be needing SOME kind of system when we start
back..... last game, half the team was killed fighting ... 1>a group of Delta
Warriors, 2> A rogue Bargainer, and 3>A R.N.D. (Really Nasty Demon)...,
including a certain Dark Secret having, secret Defiant supporting Nuclear
Enforcement Captain....... maybe. I would, seriously, enjoy hearing
comments. After all, it's about the only way some kind of system MIGHT
come about.
Nuke, Captain : Delta Prime - Enforcement
"There can be no society without respect for and adherence to the law..even
when the law doesn't seem fair.... so.... welcome to the Atomic Age Defiant."
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